Tuesday 11 November 2008

oi oi ;)

how are you all?

sorry i haven't written in a while i havent really had thatmuch to talk about, strange as it seems :L

well yeah secret santa, i think i know what im doing about it but im not really that sure, pippa doesnt know what she wants which doesnt help, but i have a couple of thoughts : )
I have a little problem with T's pressie (yeah i didnt get her for SS but shes been an amazing mate this year so i want to make her something) and yeah i know what i WANT to do, its the lagistics of getting it done that is the problem.. it involves stealing some stuff from her you see... i shall say no more as i have a feeling she reads my blog :L:L

but yeah, worried about burger again. I know that its bad, like really bad but i think she should try and get some help. Guidence is there to help you. They arent out to get you and they helped me for a while, strange, i know the girl who cant put across her emotions and has to look after one else, going to guidence... sounds a bit crazy dont it but hey thats the way life goes, im through that now... well im thinking of going to see them but i know that the people that i would want to talk to them about wouldnt want me to, so i wont :)

Yeah now a new figure i havent spoken about. yeah im worried about her laaks but yeah i shall just keep those worries locked away for the moment..

Good News tho!!
on ski trip Mr B is thinking of doing a blog so he asked for volenteers to like set it up and run it and stuff.. i obviously put my name down as i blog quite regularly (not as regularly as i would if i could but hey..) and i was like "sir what hosting site are you thinking of using?" and he was all "you appear to know a lot more about this than i do so would you be able to run the project?" CHUFFED?! i am :)
so yeah i have to go and see him so that i can get all the details of what he wants so i can see if blogger will fit the bill or if i will need to go and look at other blogging sites, or even vlogging, that would be rather amusing :L

but yeah, if im doing the blogging thing while im in france that means that i can keep up to date on here and everything which is awesome :) and that means i can talk to certain people *cough* T and Burger *cough* :L:L

well thats about it for this evening, i shall probably post something else later


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i've looked at a lot of blogging sites and blogger seems to be the best one. you can do the most stuff with it.