Tuesday 18 November 2008

i hate maths

yeah, had my maths exam yesterday... totally screwed it up, like BIG time. I was in the exam and some of the questions i didnt understand, let alone know how to do them. and then there were some that i knew i knew how to do them but my mind just went totally blank, it was so frustrating!

but yeah, got french later on... actually in about 45 mins :S i hope i do better in this one!!

Tomorrow should be good fun, im going to visit my dad over the long weekend, and there's a gig on at the music venue he owns. Its a band called twin atlantic from glasgow which should be good fun, and a bunch of my friends from up north are going to be going, so i'll get to see them all which is ace! Im working for a little bit before hand hand though, which sucks a little but i need the money. And its nothing rubbish, im going to be on the door, becuase the way that everything works is that there is one of us (from the venue) and one of them (from the promotion company) hopefully ill be on the door with Dougie because he's sound ..

well i better fly, ive got a french exam to stress over :P

much love

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