Friday 7 November 2008

yeah well i gues i should tell you anyway.....

this is from this other blog i was gonna have but then decided that i wouldnt bother,,, i called it "if i said it outloud would it hurt them,.. because it was for where i would write things that would hurt if i wrotethem here because i know that some people i know really well read this blog and i dont have a problem with that or anything but there are somethings that i wouldnt want to tell you because it would upset you but ive decided that i can deal with you reading this and im going to [once ive posted this] delete my other blog because it serves no purpose.Tuesday, 14 October 2008
ok this is just a continuation of my blog but i can't write what i'm about to write on their because a certain set of people will read it and i know that is kinda the point but i want to have somewhere, where no one will read and i can just rant...

anyhoo tonight- me=pissed off, well not pissed off more jealous and annoyed but yeah.
T is totally falling for PM and its like yeah thats nice babe but im feeling pish at the moment because im not over my ex and no one looks twice at me. AND you're more popular in somewhere I used ot live and AHHHHH!! its just really annoying. yeah i was using her phone to talk to this guy i know who is really good at sorting things out in my head and all but then she went and took her phone when she went upstairs and i KNOW she will be reading through all the texts so shes gonna find out everything i think anyway but its like MEH! and then she wants to look through my sketchbook and i really dont want her to i was like not until its finsihed but the thing is it has all my thoughts in it when im annoyed or angry or upset i sit down and i draw, so its like hmmm what am i gonna do :( :(

well i gotta fly i need my sleep

Millie loves you


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