Sunday 2 November 2008

31st october... happy halloween

Hello there, I’m writing another one of those “on the train” blogs. Get really quite bored when im on the train so it’s a good way to pass the time. What can I say. I’m travelling across the country and I’m missing what could be a really good party… but what can you do, parents come first… right?
A sweetener on the fact that I’m leaving all my friends to go visit my dad, is that I am getting to go out tomorrow night and see a bunch of people that I haven’t seen for a couple of weeks which is awesome…
Halloween today. I’m doing nothing. I don’t really see the point. I was at school all day and now I’m on the train and then when I get to dads it in the middle of nowhere and yes my younger sister is going out trick or treating but I really cannot be bothered to go around the pitiful number of houses that are around my dads, its pretty much a waste of time getting dressed up. But yeah the party im missing tonight is a Halloween party and it sounds like its going to be a pretty good one as well. Well apart from the fact that the girlie that is having it’s parents don’t know she’s having it so everyone may have to disappear at a moments notice, which should be quite funny. Obv its fancy dress and I know what a couple of my mates are going as.. One of the guys is going as a nurse, pippa’s going as a naughty school girl, T is going as a kitten, MM is going as a fireman but im not supposed to know that as it’s a surprise for everyone at the party but pippa told me =] hes got all the proper kit as well which should be awesome J

But yeah tomorrow night im going out to bonfire night up at my dads and I’m not too sure whats gonna happen. Everyone says that its amazing fun but last time I went it seemed incredibly boring but I guess that’s because I wasn’t with all my mates and completely wasted…
Not that im gonna get wasted tomorrow night, because im staying with my dad there is no point in trying anything. If I come home sober I’d be fine but the thing with that is that I have a very short period of time that I get to see everyone. And in that time everyone is drinking a hell of a lot. I can get away with drinking a little because I can hold my drink a hell of a lot better than T but I worked out that when I drink I really just get a sore head.. Not like a hangover but while im drinking I get a sore head, I guess its from the dehydration or whatever but meh… but I don’t really have the desire to get completely wasted like a load of my friends its like love you really don’t need to get wasted to have a good time … but they never listen and some of them (I get quite pissed off when they do this) go the entire day with hardly any food so that they get wasted really quickly and that and I really don’t think that its really necessary cause its like, yeah babe you might be drinking at whatever ,,, and I really don’t have a problem with that or whatever but if your gonna purposefully get yourself para then your just really stupid laak.

Well I’ve pretty much ran outta things to say for the moment and the train has JUST left the station… grrrr… oh well what can you do laak ..



Anonymous said...

what does the "laak" mean at the end of some of your sentences? maybe it's just cause i'm american i don't get it, but i'm just curious as to what it means or whatever...seems interesting!

Millie said...

hee hee it just means "like" but its siad funny. we use it to take the mick out of chavs who say it all the time, but it kinda gets into your vocabulary and you say it all the time yourself :L