Wednesday 29 October 2008

im worried

somethings up with my friend. i dunno what it is, i know that i know nothing about him, well i've hardly scratched the surface to knowing him, but i know somethings up and its like i think it might be something big... :/ i dunno what to do. im scared :(
i dont know whats with him. its like i try to be his friend and he all best buds and then he totally blanks me out and i dunno whats up with him. its like i know somethings there but i dont know what and i cant get out of him if he wants me to be there for him.


on a different note, ive caved to the man. i got itunes.



Anonymous said...

if you haven't asked your friend "is there something wrong" or "are you alright" then i would recommend doing that, but otherwise i don't know, just let him know you'll always be there if he needs you. if it's something serious like suicide, look up on the internet what the warning signs are and if he has more than a couple of them, i would tell a counselor or something; they're professionals and know how to help.

be careful with itunes, it will trap you. i got an ipod a couple years ago, and loved itunes because it's easy to put music on and is cool looking and whatnot, but if you ever get a different mp3 player or something, it's a pain in the butt to switch the music from itunes to windows media or whatever. peace

Millie said...

i did ask him if he was ok or whatever and he did say he was feeling rubbish but its other stuff hes said and that but it runs deeper. but i dont think hes suicidal, ive had to handle that before and that was completely different....

ta for the info on itunes laak totally new to it so any help is appreciated =]