Sunday 12 October 2008

12th October 08

Well todays was fun…

I got up REALLY late, it was like midday XD
Havent done that in ages and I miss just lazing about but I have to say that I like having the morning to do stuff in so its kinda a catch 22 ):

But yeah then we went to the loft for lunch and I had duck and it was loverly XD

Then me and T-monster headed back to the house and I was on msn to PM and tried to establish what the deal was with how he feels about T but I guess it has only been a couple of days…
She really likes him. I can tell by the way she laughs at the things he writes on msn and what she says to him and about him, its quite sweet really. I hope she’s happy but still im a bit meh about it all, cause like the nice guys never go for me. But T is the prettier, funnier, generally more lovely person… but still meh…


Yeah then after talking to him I went for a walk with T and this guy that was in my year in primary. It was so much fun, I miss all the people from my old school so much its crazy like. I wish that I could live closer so I could see everyone and everyone would be friends, but then again I think its nice for them to be separate because the places are so different and so are the people and the way they look at things..

I miss him
< / 3 hes away this week so its not even like I can fight with him ):
I really did screw that one up spectacularly.. Its like I could have just taken him breaking up with me and been is friend but no I had to try and work it so that I got more and that was really stupid. I let myself get angry with him for things that were my fault or in my head and it was like AHHH!!! I can’t believe i did that. Meh

And im worried about burger (see *burger blog*)

But that’s really it for just now
I gotta fly because T is trying to sleep and im being loud and full of light :L


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