Monday 20 October 2008

hello again

heya guys
well ive just worked out if i have my laptop at a certain angle icanget the wireless in my room, its ridiculously slow but what can you do its still internet after all :D

anyhoo yeah life in general atm is alright i guess. i cant sleep atm which sucks considering its two in the morning. so i just decided i would put on some music and then the internet was working so i thought. might as well dosome blogging likes :D

ayye so met a bunch of new people,one stood out more than the others like. Before i met him i got the impression he was a complete womanising bastard but i've met him, ive spoken to himand he seems so lovely! its like i can tell him anything and he wont judge me at all. He's well cool and i hope that we grow to be good mates :D

Burger is upset,its totally understandable and ive been so busy lately that i havent been able to be there for her,which isnt good, i need to be there for her. its like no one else is :(

i miss tom
i was thinking about him tonight
and its like i wish i had told him how much he meant to me before it was too late. :(

Poser was on msn earlier, he hardly said anything :( i think ive screwed that up pretty spectacularly.... :(:( why did i have to open my mouth!!! we wouldve been fine if i hadnt at, least we wouldve been mates :(:(

oh well its now 2:11 so i should probably fly

talk soon

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