Wednesday 24 September 2008

23rd sept 08

So my day today, started off not too bad, had assembly and the horrible people tried to make us sign up for the Chile trip.. I signed up last time but there was no way I was getting that much money together that quickly. I worked out that I had to give up school and get a full time job to pay for it and then I wouldn’t be able to go cause I wasn’t part of the school, that and I would NEVER be able to quit school. Anyhoo that was assembly oh yeah and the German exchange people arrived last night and so there is a ceildh on Thursday.. If its half as good as the French one it will be awesome fun XD
Good bant
So first period I had maths which was kinda uninteresting we played games the whole of the lesson to decide who was going to go to this enterprising maths day thing through in perth… I will tell you now I’m not going I lost all my games… oh well its only a day off school to piss about and be geeky.
Um second period was a bit more eventful, I had PE and it was trampolining and I nearly died!!! Ok maybe a slight exaggeration. I was doing a backdrop and I landed wrong and did something to my back and it hurts to hell!!! Apparently according to my teacher I’ve done something to the back of my ribs. But apart from being in great pain, I really don’t like my PE class its like there are a bunch of what would be called “popular girls” and then there are a bunch of really sound but totally “we’re too cool” guys. And I’m better at trampolining than the girls because they just scream and run away from the trampoline but I’m not as good as the boys and its bloody difficult to earn their respect, cause as much as they’re all like “boys and girls are just as capable” I can tell they still think guys are better. And yes the guys in this class are natural athletes and that but its like when I try and do anything they laugh at me and take the piss, and its like I need to be bloody amazing to gain some respect off them and even then I don’t think I would get it…. AHH! Its just so frustrating!!
The rest of the day wasn’t very eventful, the girlies had rehearsals for talent show at lunch and Moi et Tilly went along to help and they’re really good. I was concerned because they’re doing hallelujah by Paramore and it’s a bloody difficult song to sing but Meghan’s amazing!!
I think it will get there but they need to do some serious practise.

Well aye that and I wasn’t allowed on the computer. .. Hence why this blog is posted later than it was written… sorry..

Much love

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