Wednesday 24 September 2008

22nd september

Moving on…

I’ve decided I need to leave the past behind me and just go for the future. I need to stop giving a damn about what people think like (ok I know I do not do names but screw that) Laura, Peigi and Lucy. It’s like for Christ sake why do I need your approval to do something you don’t rule me. So yeah I’m going to live by new motto. Live for the moment, forget the past and don’t think about the future..

This obv has to have levels to follow it by, I’m not going to forget everything that has happened in the past, I’m gonna learn from the experiences that I have but I’m not going to let them affect decisions I know I should make.

Every time we touch - Cascada
One of the songs that got me into dance beats, it taught me that what the artists are making isn’t just the mindless thumping of a bass it has words and meanings behind it just like any other good song I listen to.

It reminds my of him <3
How I feel when I look at him
How I feel when he hugs me
How I feel when he kisses me
I don’t want to leave him
But I have to just after I see him .
Next time I see him it will be the talent show
He’s gonna be amazing
Playing that song
He better not screw it up
If he screws it up I’m going to hurt him
Because that song like so many others
Makes me cry and it take special pieces of music to do that
They need to have special memories attached to them
I wish he’s tell me what’s going on in his head
Its like I know somethings up
But I don’t know what it is.

Not cool

Oh well I need to sleep or I will collaspe


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