Friday 19 September 2008

19th sept 08

Well I’m on the train at the moment so won’t be able to post this blog until I get up north but hey ho, that gives me quite a while to write this, without feeling pressured to finish up and that. Anyhoo what did I say I was gonna write the other day. Oh yeah about the boy J. Well he’s generally awesome. :D:D I miss him so much and its crazy because I only met him like last week. But I guess that’s what happens eh?
But really like him. And it’s not like it was with boyage or the slutty one (yeah I know I was stupid but still you have to give me a break im a teenager!!)

Ooo that reminds me. Me and Burger wrote a song for the slutty ones band… good crack you wanna read it..

I like to make them then break them
Shoot them while their down
And every day I’m looking for
Someone new to play my game

If she’s the kind of girl
To take on my whole world
She’ll trust me completely
And then
I’ll shoot her while she’s down

Do you see what’s happening
I’m playing a game
That I can’t win
Cause one day they’ll
Figure it out
Figure it out
Figure it out
Then they’ll shoot me while I’m down

If she’s the kind of girl
To take on my whole world
She’ll trust me completely
And then
I’ll shoot her while she’s down

It’s not quite finished yet and the beat that I’m going for is gonna be kind of bowling for soup/metal which should be good :D:D

Anyhoo I kind of went off subject there (ok by “kind of” I mean completely :L:L )
Where was I, oh yeah I remember telling you all about this fabby fabby guy that by complete accident wandered into my life and made it amazing and horrible all at the same time. I should probably tell you why it’s horrible first (the whole get bad news then good news instead of good news then bad news… I dunno it’s just the way I work) this last week has been horrible.. It’s like you find an amazing guy that you really like (but strangely hardly know…. Watch this space I WILL find out a load of stuff) and then you have to travel across the country so you can go to school. It’s not that I don’t like school, I do all my friends are there and I have a load of amazing times. And bad times as well but mostly good. But I miss him ( I am so gonna have to think up a name for him as you know like NO real names are used on here… well for the time being he can be poser.. Cause that’s what he is a little poser :P ) I miss him so much its insane, the fact he doesn’t have credit is so frustrating because I want to know what he’s thinking when he reads my texts and if he’s thinking about me and stuff. I know its my own insecruities but I keep thinking that he’s gonna wake up and realise he doesn’t like me at all. I guess I don’t think I’m good enough for him. And I don’t really see what he sees in me, like he says I’m gorgeous ( I don’t see it) he says I’m the first person to make him smile in like for ages. I guess what he says could be true but I dunno I want to believe it but can’t help thinking that he’s just saying what I want to hear not what he really thinks.. Meh!!! I think its great because this summer I have spent so much more time with my friends that I used to which is awesome. I am so planning to do more random stuff with my mates, like go out for dinner (me and the monster did that the other week before going to see batman… we felt way grown up J)

But yeah so Poser (:P) is generally awesome and I can’t stop thinking about him so I guess he must be doing something right. And I get the same feeling with him that I used to get with Ting which is awesome because it’s one of the best feelings. It’s like I could tell him anything and he wouldn’t be surprised, he’d say just what I want him to and I just feel completely safe around him :D

But that’s all I can really think of to say at the moment. I’m not even at Newtonmore yet so I’ve still got ages before I’m home… should be back around 9 and I’ll post that then J


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