Wednesday 10 November 2010


Well this weekend has been eventful to say the least. Lets start from the top shall we.

On Thursday I had an argument with Jamie becuase he wasnt supporting me in applying a work placement in Edinburgh because we would never see each other. We went to sleep still angry at each other. - not a good shout!

Friday - Was ridiculously awkward with jamie and I don't think we've ever said so little to each other over that amount of time. After lunch I go to the cash machine to get some money out to pay for lunch and all my money is gone, I go to the bank and find out ive been a victim of fraud and that my card has been copied and my account has been emptied in Columbia. - Bad times!

Friday Night - I was working the fireworks, I was incredibly tired, cold and grumpy and decided that it would be a brilliant idea to tell Jamie exactly how I felt about our relationship.
I phone Jamie and tell him that I think he's being over protective and that we were becoming too comfortable, it was like the anticipation and excitment levels had dropped in our relationship, I know this is normal, because we've been together for so long but Ive always loved a bit of drama, it keeps me on my toes and keeps things exciting!

Saturday morning - Working. All day. Well till 4pm - it was horrible! Got on the bus to go and see Jamie, completely uneasy about the whole thing because don't know how things will be between us after my little performance the night before. jamie pretty much acted as if nothing had happened.. or at least thats how it felt. We had tea with his parents, went over to Pauls and headed into town with everyone and ended up going to Dusk (my first ever time) Me and Jamie buy a drink and end up sitting down and having a massive chat.. we both get really upset and its horrible but then we decide that there isnt that much more we can do tongiht so went to dance and then went home.. went to sleep - still pretty awkward.

Sunday - i get up and mum comes to pick me up. I drive home. Its generally a bit of a rubbish day. I go to work I come home. I sleep.

Monday - Go to work. Come home from work. Jamie comes over, we end up having another massive talk but this time we actually get somewhere and things are kinda sorted. Im still not 100% sure about my feelings on the whole situation but we're trying to sort stuff.

So yeah, thats my weekend. Pretty eventful as I said. But yeah. Thats my story.

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