Thursday 29 April 2010


well I'm at the library on a break from studying.. is't that exciting. I thought i was going to kill myself if i wrote about how Gatsby wasn't going to achieve the American dream again tbh! haha
well just checking the emails and that and then back to work :L

byessie byes


Tuesday 27 April 2010


well today was ok I guess.. I discovered that I am going to fail higher english. period.

Monday 26 April 2010


Today Today Today... well Today was a Monday. I went to school,had my double free where I put all the equipment from Friday away and studied some history...then had a break, then actual history class where the fire alarm went off. I wasn't too impressed, this is the second last lesson we are having with Mr.Deans before the exams and i am a TAD stressed. Then I had music where I did sweet FA which annoyed me a bit cause im not overly confident in that and I know that I could have been doing so much more constructive stuff with my time but I was just doing what I was told.

Then it was lunch, I grabbed some grapes and headed for what has to be the LOUDEST library in the world and I tried to study, however younger people kept coming up to be and asking me questions like "what are you doing?" it was rather irritating.. Then after lunch I had double WWO it was pretty fun, we had to fill out our booklets to say what we did for our fundraising thing and how we went about it, was a tad tricky as only two of us in our group had actually done anything for the event the others had just sat about and done sweet FA.

Annnnnyyywhoooo Big news of the day.. I cut my hair.... like myself. Cut my fringe in so it sits across my face like proper.. haha I don't know if Im going to regret it yet or not, ah well we shall wait and see :)

Well Im actually rather of the sleepness so I shall bid you farewell


omg shit has CHANGED!

Well I just went through all of my old posts, bloody hell things have changed, well they have and they haven't, It was interesting to read and how easily all the memory comes flooding back.

I gave J this address today.. I'm now not sure about it because like he picked up on spelling and bits and pieces that tbh shouldn't matter and don't matter. It's not the point of this blog. But still I know he didn't know that but it did hurt a little that I effectively let him inside my head and gets at my spelling :( ahh well, it's not really that important :)

I am a tad worried about if he goes back and reads through all the random shit and how petty I was and the boyfriends of days past and the like, I know he doesn't care but like I dunno it's something I don't like to think of, Jamie with someone else, like a while back he was telling me about his ex and then stopped and the sentence has just been spinning round and round my head ever since, I don't want to know but then again I'm curious, what was life like before he knew me, he says it was crap but how am I supposed to believe that.. I don't know.
Well I suppose I should try and sleep...


Sunday 25 April 2010

Just another weekend...

So this weekend I had a great time. On Friday night I had what is known as a McGarryokie Night, it's basically an open mic night where people who are pupils and expupils perform covers and original music and that.. it was a MASSIVE success, we raised £658 for The Institute Of Cardiovascular Research. - we did it for them becuase they deal with heart problems and strokes and one of my best friends has recently got a pace maker, so its all quite close to home.

Saturday, I got up and I studied and studied cause I am a cool kid like that... and my first exam is in less than a month haha... then I went through to Stirling and met up with Jamie (the new boyfriend- well he's not really "new" we've been together for 8 months now) and go to his gig with his band The Colony (who i have now made my personal mission to help get them a following) when I got to the venue, I will admitt I was a tad worried, there was like no p.a kit, the lights didn't work cause there had been flooding and stuff, plus the other bands were a little bit.. i dunno none of us got a good feeling from them. Then we went for subway - yay! and then back to the venue for doors... no one pitched up... then at like 20 past most of Jamie's mates pitched up and it started getting really fun. The rest of the evening just got more and more enjoyable and because we were all a little tiddled and we were all mates with The Colony we were all rather excitable when they came on, and regardless of the poor sound quality and the fact pete (the singer) counldnt hear himself so was rather flat it was probably the most fun I have had at a gig in a long time, and as much as I didn't really like the style of music the boys played last time I went to one of their gigs this time generally the actual music was so much more to my taste which was awesome, becuase tbh Im not gonna say it was amazing and I loved it if I didn't but I did and I had a great time. Unfortunatly after the gig was over and we'd been to a pub for a couple of drinks then decided to go to a nightclub I didn't get in becuase the bouncer unfortunatly could actually count up to 18, knew I was only 17 so me and Jamie went home and went to bed..

Today was pretty good, woke up, was handed toast, got up and bought cake, went for a nice walk and then got the bus home, had waffles for lunch, studied for the majority of the afternoon and then watched Doc.Who (OMG I WANT THE NEXT EPISODE NOW!!!) and then studied some more, then "rediscovered my internet identity" which was nice haha
hence the blogging.. Im going to try and keep it up for the majority of summer if I can.

Well night (:


Friday 9 April 2010

well hey there....

So yeah, it'sbeenrather a long time since i've written here and I know I said I was done completely, but it doesnt hurt to check in every once in a while.. right?

So yeah, Life...its pretty busy atm, generally with highers being about a month away and having a joba nd a boyfriend and what not. you begin to lose track of where you are and what you want to do.

I want to be able to live for the moment, wake up and decide i want to do something/go somewhere and then just do it. no need to think of anything else-just go with your insticts and do what feels right for you right then.

that it what i wish for.