Wednesday 9 April 2008

Bootstock 08

ok my dad helps put on this festival every year called BOOTSTOCK to raise money for deprived kids in nepal. I was speaking to our chef tonight and he has told me dad hasnt done ANYTHING for it yet and when i mean anything, i mean ANYTHING, but the thing is that all he really has to orginise is the bands to come and play, thats it, you have say £7k to spend on the bands and away you go, the chef will orginise everything else....... but no dad hasnt go in touch with anyone and now all the main bands that we might have just been able to get , wont be able to come cause there booked for somewhere else, that and that another festival LOOPALLU is the week after so the likely hood of us getting a decent amount of people is minimal, i'm so angry though, because i can do all this shizz, im perfectly capably but no one will take me seriously because im only 15, which is why i cant wait til im 18... people say you shouldnt wish away your childhood but the thing is, its not that im wishing away my childhood, im doing the exact same things as i think i would be its jsut i need to be older, because people dont take people my age seriously and its not fair. I would love to orginise a festival myself and i probably could but i can't because of my age. And its not that it wouldnt happen its jsut stupid little comments that people make..

well thats my rant for today finished

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