Sunday 28 October 2007

a boy who is now gone...

ther was this one boy... in first year when i arrived at the high school that sat behind me in maths...
he was really nice and we would have fun, laughing and joking, i started to enjoy coming to maths....
then one day i was just lying in bed texting him and we were playing a game called Random Question and we were mucking about asking stupid questions...
then he asked me if i would go out with him...
i didnt know what to say..
i thought about it for along time and decided to say yes and that was me for months...
we went out for ages - he was my first relationship that lasted longer than a week...
and then we just fell apart...
it was okish break up and we were still good friends...
then he went into hospital- he was diagonised with a brain tumor,
but he was going to get radio theorpy and it was going to be ok....
he was getting better by the end of 2nd year
and came back school at the beginning of third year..
then he started going out with this girl
shes really nice and pretty and she deserved so much to have a boyfriend that loved her that much...

then in the october holidays he went back into hospital... the tumor had spread to his spine...

That boy died at quater past four on the morning of the 26th of October 2007
That boy was fourteen years old........

R.I.P Thomas....


Roxburgh said...
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Xx...Always + Forever...xX said...

You have such a way with words,

The way you wrote this is just So beautiful...
