Tuesday 2 October 2007

of course im on holiday.....

well yeah just back from my first shift of the holiday
was alright i guess was working the floor by myslef most of the night because we're short on staff - oh well

dad came down for a bit to have his tea and totally took over but i suppose its his job.

ummmmmm yeah well it sucks a bit becasue like im here at my dads and im well up for going out and seeing everyone but i cant because their not on holiday so when im not working their at school and vise versa which SUCKS!! but the sexy emo is ill so i can go up and see him which is ace and crap all at the same time coz its ace that i get to see him and crap that he's ill.....

yeah but tomorrow im going in2 the caddy to see kirsty at lunch and what haev you which should be awesome havent had n up da street lunch in what seems like forever!!! :O
And then next WEdnesday im going to pans house then to the other caddy for a talent show which she and her mates are in that i said i'd go see, it should be ace aswell
Then on next friday i am going to stay over at pans to have a good old catch up oo and this saturday afternoon im off to Alves to see kisrty and talk to her for a whiley and catch up with her and that should mean that i've seen just about everyone AND i've managed to help dad out by working all the shifts so far im working most ever night except next wednesday and friday but then im back on saturday to work at a wedding which is a bit daunting as ive never done weddings before adn itsl ike the person "special" day and i don't want to screw it up for them but HEY im a good enough waitress to get through it!

oh my ive written quite alot this evening

i think i might just stop keeping a diary and just write it all up here its easier and all my good mateys that ive given the URL to can read it and know whats going on in my life. GREAT!! :D:D

well im gonna love you and leave you my darlings


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