Friday 5 October 2007

when at work....

hey hey hey
this is me at work and as you can see i have such alot to do i have time to blog...
Nah whats actually happened is dads bought a new computer for the video editing stuff which is like AWESOME!!! and so the old computer got moved across the desk so now i can use 2 computers at once so i have one with blogger and bebo and stuff on it and the other with all my worky video editin stuff on it, which is sooo cool it makes me feel like you garcia from NCIS with all her computers and what not..... well maybe you dont and i suppose i dont quite have as many computers as her but its still awesome.
Um mwhat have i been up to hmm wel yesterday i did like loadsa holiday homework that we got given i cant believe i have an Art essay, a History report, a bunch of maths stuff, some french vocabulary to learn and a load of music things to pratise and my grade 5 theroy whichi m also supposed to be doing so its all quite mental
I guess i did around 4 hours of homework yesterday and i still haev tons to do!!!
ummm yeah but at the moment im waiting for the bootstock files to transfer on to the other computer so that i can sit and spend a few hours editing them as i have until 5 o'clock so that gives me three hours!!
I'm soo not gona get all 15 hours of footage or what ever edited in that time but could get a reletive chunk.
i dont even know who reads all the garbage that i write, i hope that you arent too bored of it, im using proper english and everything
well thats all i cant think of to write atm soo toodles

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