Friday 24 July 2009

yeah.. i know

Well its the summer again, and i'm working a ridiculous amount... again. Next week im doing a 6 day week with my day off being spent hanging out with my mate Adam who im helping out with his sound company (: But yes, ive taken up writing, like properly... i'm trying to write a book... its not very good and im only on chapter 4 and im not really sure where i want the story to go. well i know the beginning and the ending, its just the bit in the middle that is the problem :L well here is the first chapter... and i if anyone stumbles across this, please do comment, i would love to know what you think, it is only the first draft and all but yeah...


The day started like any other. I woke up. I got up. I looked out the window to see the familiar and comforting view of the train station. I remember seeing the 7:15 to Glasgow, the same as every other day. I looked around the room. It was empty except for a single bed and a small black briefcase. All of the rooms in the flat were the same, all empty except for a few essential pieces of furniture, it had been a few years since I had last over-indulged. Picking up the briefcase and taking one final look around the room I walked out of the door, closing it quietly behind me.

I should introduce myself, my name is Rupert Alexander-Murray. I've lived in Edinburgh my entire life, and although my parents put me through the best education available, nothing would prepare me for what I've got myself involved in. I started working for The Company when I was 16, it's kind of a family tradition, of course my parents didn't know anything about it. I'm sure they would have put a stop to it as soon as they found out. The parents are like that though. They are “respected members of the community.” Daddy dearest is a lawyer at some top firm in the U.K and Julie, well she, I think the official term is, a trophy wife. Dad has had quite a few wives since mum died giving birth to me. Jooles is wife number five I think. She's fine. A good laugh, more like a good mate than a step-mother. That might have something to do with the fact that she's only 2 years older than me. I'm 21 these days, just so you know. I moved out of the family town house the minute I turned 18, I couldn't stand the elitism that went on. It was suffocating. I moved into my flat, it's a small one bedroom deal, I only have the bare minimum there, I'm hardly there anyway, so I didn't see the point.

I have two brothers and one sister, all older than me, all who work for The Company, as I said it's kind of a family tradition. Hugo got involved first, apparently he was “chosen” at Fettes to do this programme thing and that ended in a job with The Company, the others just followed by example, we all got involved in different ways but it all lead to the same thing.

I started on my sixteenth birthday with Pip giving me a present, it wasn't much, just an envelope with a card in it saying, “Happy Birthday Roo love P.” I obviously wasn't too impressed, it's my sixteenth birthday and all, and this is Pip, every other birthday or Christmas she would take Dad's credit card and buy us all expensive and elaborate presents so I was a bit suspicious of this single card birthday gift thing she had going on. On closer inspection of the card I noticed something a little bit weird, you know the bit on the back, where they put the logo and name of the company that makes the card, well this card just had a white circle in a black square and under it was written “The company, join us Rupert.” and then some website. This obviously confused the hell out of me. I had two choices, I could interrogate Pip about it, or go on the website on the back of the card.

I started with the website, cause I knew Pip wouldn't tell me anything unless I begged (and I wasn't going to give her that satisfaction) so I headed straight for my computer and brought up the site. It was for the programme thing that Hugo was on when he was 15. An all singing, all dancing cadets course. Seemed pretty cool, but I didn't see how that linked to the card that I was given. Then I saw a button that said “Join us” I clicked it and it brought me to a page that I had to put in my last name. So, purely out of curiosity, I typed in “Alexander-Murray” and clicked “submit.” The next bit caught me completely off guard, I should have suspected it, but I guess I just thought it was some kind of coincidence that the card had my name on it. I sat, staring at the screen and for a split second I was sure I was seeing things. In the top left hand corner was The Company logo and under that was a box had the six words that would change my life forever. “Hello Rupert, Welcome to The Company.”

1 comment:

Roxburgh said...

Its atully really good! (Y)
x x