Friday, 26 December 2008


heya guys.. hows everyone ?
well it was christmas yesterday... its that nice.. i had a really good time +D
SM's family are actually really soudn.. i was a bit worried about meeting them all and that, because like they all know each other so well and i well... dont.
but yeah christmas was really fun and all that jazz.. just thought i'd check in and all ;)

but yeah my new cousin that i inherited when the rents got married.. Kieran (from now on K) he's really nice... we've stayed up really late at night just talking about life and stuff and he can totally deal with me crying and shit which is awesome +D
he really made my christmas.. i totally mis everyone and hes there to talk to and stoof
its ace +D

well gotta fly

talk later

Wednesday, 24 December 2008


sorry i havent written in a while, but tbhi couldnt be bothered...
but yeah i was talking to some of my family (on my step mum's side :L its awfy confusing)

but yeah and Becky (my stepmums sister) and Mark (stepmums cousin) said something that really got me thinking.. they were talking about something that happened to my stepmum that i appear to know ardly anything about.. which i thought i knew quite alot about but anyway...
yeah they were just talking about how its not what bullshit you are put through, its how you deal with it that makes you who you are... then becky made a comment about how it was the first time she had seen me actually sit up and listen and absorb what someone was saying but it was kind of relevent, i was just thinking of all the bull that ive been through in the last couple of years and it was all really relevent and that.. and i was just sitting listening. and i dunno.. i just wanted to cry, if i think of all the things that have happened.. not just to me but to my friends its crazy shit.. and yeah i was just thinking about it... and yeah...

Sunday, 14 December 2008


Well this weekends been a bit exciting hasnt it... :L
not really just really, really busy... meh
I was working, first christmas party i've done of the season .

i started work at 10:30am on saturday and didnt get away until 1:45am sunday... was a leetle tired, to say the least.. :L

Cant be bothered to write..

toodles .

Friday, 12 December 2008

what about now?

What the hell?!
this has all got totally confused and fucked up?!
i try and help my friend because if im perfectly honest he needs it because everyone is running around trying to make Gem feel better, but has anyone actually stopped and thought about how he might be feeling? no, didnt think so. and yeah before you go on about it, i know hes the one that dumped her but ive had to dump guys in the past and you feel like fucking shite after, and if no ones noticed hes been wasted every weekend since.. hmm no one realised, didnt think so.

maybe its just me that thinks this way becuase as soon as i start to spend a little time with him and try and talk to him and help him with his problems (OMG! i know a teenage boy that has problems, crazy stuff that.. he doesnt understand girls?! no! -cant you just feel the sarcasim-) i get asked if im secretly dating him, for christ sake, he's one of my best mates ex boyfriends of like 2 weeks ago why the hell would i do that to her??! after sitting with her the other night and sitting up til like 2 am talking about it we're ex's it didnt work last time, why would it work this time?

and yeah maybe shes upset and scared and stuff and yeah thats understandable but excuse me, i have shit going on too, ive been in tears for the last couple of days and feeling completely shit, and i dont know why, but has that made me accuse my so called best mates of backstabbing and lying and being a shit friend.. amazingly no!

im so pissed of because we all have shit going on and its not fair, i hate making people upset and i could tell by her blog that she was on the verge of hating me forever. and all over wanting to be friends with my ex. maybe being mates with him isnt such a good idea. i should probs mention it to him, go back to the shit way it was before when he would hardly talk to me.. yay.


Thursday, 11 December 2008


i hate my violin
i hate school
i hate boys
i hate theories
i hate art essays
i hate,
i hate,
i hate.

it always seems to be i hate with me..
im actually a nervous wreck at the moment
i dont get anything right
i'm totally stressing over stupid things that arent needed
and then there is the stuff thats important and the people that are important and its like im always missing them out...
and then i stress more because im missing them out
and the circle beings again..

Tuesday, 9 December 2008

blah blah blah

ey up.
well i'm having a loverly day i am.. its really boring actually, imma just in art, im supposed to be writing a critical about poster designers, but tbqh i really cant be bother atm, i just cant think just now. ach wells..
but yeah dont really know what to say..

Favourite song of the moment... speeding cars by imogen heap...

Here's the day you hoped would never come
don't feed me violins just run
with me
through rows of speeding cars

the paper cuts the cheating lovers
the coffees never strong enough
i know you think its more than just bad luck

There there baby
it's just text book stuff
it's in the ABC of growing up
Now now darling
oh don't lose your head
cause none of us were angels
and you know I love you yeah

Sleeping pills know sleeping dogs lie
never far enough away
Glistening in the cold sweat of guilt
I've watched you slowly winding down for years
You can't keep on like this...
now's a bad a time as any

There there baby
it's just text book stuff
it's in the ABC of growing up
Now now darling
oh don't kill yourself
cause none of us were angels
and you know I love you yeah

it's ok by me..

it's ok by me..

it's ok by was a long time ago

it's ok by me..

it's ok by me..

it's ok by was a long time ago

There there baby
it's just text book stuff
it's in the ABC of growing up
Now now darling
oh don't lose your head
cause none of us were angels
and you know I love you yeah

There there baby
it's just text book stuff
it's in the ABC of growing up
Now now darling
oh don't kill yourself
cause none of us were angels
and you know I love you yeah

love it!

Much love

Monday, 8 December 2008


hey guys
how are you?
i've had a leetle bit of a busy weekend have i..
It started on friday when i stayed at MidgetGems, then got up saturday morning and went shopping in stirling, then the pantomime then to jimmy chungs for tea, then to Katts house for a party then T came and stayed at mine and then on sunday i went to pizza hut and the cinema.. i woke up this morning feeling more tired than i was when i left for gems on friday :L lol
ach wells

was all funsies :)

Much love

Friday, 5 December 2008


hello there my lovelys
sorry i havent posted in a couple of days ive just been so tired, its ridiculous..
well this evening i'm stayinga t my wonderful friend migetgems, this is because
1) i love her to bits
2) my younger sister is having a birthday party which involves her and 5 other 12 year old girls running around my house and gems is so calming in comparison even with her annoying 7 year old brother :P

ach wells
OH yeah i forgot, im writing a lyrics for a song for my friend, and ex MM's invention... i love him to bits i do :) and i really want to help becuase i know that as well as doing this for his school work he needs to work some stuff out in his head aswell
i hope i help.... :S

well thats all really... oh and i watched FAME for the first time today, it was AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!

much love

Tuesday, 2 December 2008


oi oi oi, hows you all going?

well i've had some FABBYYYY news today :D:D:D:D:D
My friend who i thought might have had cancer, DOESNT!!!!!!!!!!! XDXD
i'm so happy :) i was so worriedful and now i dont need to worry about scary things like her dying or being uber ill or anything..


well ski trip blog totally offically set up :)

woop woop


i really cant think of anything to write :L
