Monday 14 July 2008

hello from sunny france

hello there, its been a while since i've written and i guess thats because of anumber of things...

i havent had time, i didnt want to share... ive had more important things to do i guess..

well im currently in france missing my friends like crazy and loving the time away all at the same time, i wish that i could just take all my friends out here for my last week, they could meet my new friends and i could hang out with my old ones...
but i guess thats not gonna happen, also ifeel bad that ive left burger behind, by the sounds of things shes had a lot of thinking time since i went away and i want to be there to give her advice (well whatever advice i can- which isnt much,) and just be there for her... lifes a bitch.. .

im trying to make it up to sarah - me being a bitch.

and as soon as i get back to the UK (in my mind) the run up to scribblers starts properly and i have to talk to sarah and lorna and mike and get this show on the road..

hoepfully everyhting will go to plan but i cant just hope ive got to make this shit happen..

i miss tom... i know that now its a pharse very accustom to alot of peoples vocabualary but i do and its stupid things like during my exams that i start thinking about him and wondering what would be happening if he was here... i know for example that him and christine would - if my dates are correct- would have just celebrated their one year anniversary, i doubt anyone will remember that it was this time last year when he was fresh outta hospital that they got together, it was so sweet and tbh i was a little jealous, yes i had stuart but what they had seemed somehow so perfect... i knew it would last for a long time. but i suppose it is the way things are....

well i gotta go, the pool is waiting so i've gotta just go jump right in :P

love you all

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