Sunday 28 October 2007

a boy who is now gone...

ther was this one boy... in first year when i arrived at the high school that sat behind me in maths...
he was really nice and we would have fun, laughing and joking, i started to enjoy coming to maths....
then one day i was just lying in bed texting him and we were playing a game called Random Question and we were mucking about asking stupid questions...
then he asked me if i would go out with him...
i didnt know what to say..
i thought about it for along time and decided to say yes and that was me for months...
we went out for ages - he was my first relationship that lasted longer than a week...
and then we just fell apart...
it was okish break up and we were still good friends...
then he went into hospital- he was diagonised with a brain tumor,
but he was going to get radio theorpy and it was going to be ok....
he was getting better by the end of 2nd year
and came back school at the beginning of third year..
then he started going out with this girl
shes really nice and pretty and she deserved so much to have a boyfriend that loved her that much...

then in the october holidays he went back into hospital... the tumor had spread to his spine...

That boy died at quater past four on the morning of the 26th of October 2007
That boy was fourteen years old........

R.I.P Thomas....

Thursday 11 October 2007

hey hey hey

welll i havent blogged i na little bit becasue ive been watching lonelygirl15 and gettting caught up on the whole thing becasue i didnt watch it when it first came out ... anyhoo its really good and all but i need a break from watching it 24/7 so i decided to write stuff and go on bebo and all that kinda thing i havent done in a little bit... .

so well Whats new with me.. umm well now at the loft there is this umm new waitress called leanne (or however you spell it) and shes really nice, she comes from canada and i asked her "why the UK" and she was funny and really didnt know... apparently she has reletives near perth at some castle and their like royalty or sumthing i dont really know. BUT yeah she working tonight so i dont have to (result!) or i could go home and get changed and work for a bit.. i think ill do that

ok well ill blog properly soon


Monday 8 October 2007

ambush .. a strange term

when you get ambush, dragged into a school and then forced to communicate to people you dont know it all gets a bit stressful... today my friend pan and her friend Emily ambushed me and toook me to there school it wax nice to see them and everything as i havent seen pan for about 3 months and Emily a year and a half. soo yeah but then they had to go to some meeting in the school and i couldnt come because i wasnt 1) wearing school uniform and 2) a member of their school so yeah i got ditched with a bunch of pans mates (who may i add were very nice and umm ... lively... ) yeah ooo and i went crimbo shopping ( i know its early but i figure go shopping for htings you need when you have the money!)

but apart form that nothing much has happened so cheery pip


Sunday 7 October 2007

well well well what have we here!

oo ive been watching alot of stuff on lately and i stumbled across this asutalian duo called the veronicas

their 21 year old identical twins form brisbane, Australia and well good musicians

check them out :


yeah another "song" ...

if i needed some space
to get you out my face
would you respect that
or would you just neglet that
if i wanted some time
to put my thoughts all in line
would you respect that
or just neglect that
Cause everything i do
i do it for you
did you notice
i didn't think so
everything i say
i plan everyday
to make it perfect
but it never ends up that way
if i sang out of tune
and looked like a spoon
would you correct me
or just let me flow
if i said something wrong
and you knew all along
would you correct me
or just let it slide
Cause everything i do
i do it for you
did you notice
i didn't think so
everything i say
i plan everyday
to make it perfect
but it never ends up that way

Saturday 6 October 2007

karaoke is a strange but funny thing.....

hee hee
just in from work anad what not

its was sooo funny.
because tonight there was a private function on upstairs and it was a 70's theme night and it was sooooo funny

and people that get drunk and thing they can sing are soooo funny coz like every so often you get one person that is like good at singing but everyone else is like soo bad and they think they are liek awesome and it amuses me....

but yeah at work today we had 23 people in and i only got £6:70 tips those people are soo tight... .its so annoying actually, coz like there was this one couple, booked a table for 8/830 and then turned up at nearly quater to nine then insisted on eating really slowly and i had to stay until about 11o'clock waiting for them to finsih and its like GAWSH you could have eaten a bit faster!! :O

umm yeah thats all the news i have today,

i might write another song soon i dont know
i have melodys for them but no like composisions

ah well

love you all

Nighty night my dearys


dislexia......: ]

dislexic, such a stupid term really coz like dislexic people have trouble spelling abnd then they go and give it a name like f**king dislexia (i cant even spell it but that doesnt really say much .. lol ) and so all the people with it cant spell what it is. I totally agree that people who have it arent stupid coz my little sister has it and she isnt thick just takes a wee bit longer to work stuff out but when she gets it, she finds it really easy and she is AWESOME at art its quite unbelievable... yeah probly come back to this post later
love you all

Friday 5 October 2007

when at work....

hey hey hey
this is me at work and as you can see i have such alot to do i have time to blog...
Nah whats actually happened is dads bought a new computer for the video editing stuff which is like AWESOME!!! and so the old computer got moved across the desk so now i can use 2 computers at once so i have one with blogger and bebo and stuff on it and the other with all my worky video editin stuff on it, which is sooo cool it makes me feel like you garcia from NCIS with all her computers and what not..... well maybe you dont and i suppose i dont quite have as many computers as her but its still awesome.
Um mwhat have i been up to hmm wel yesterday i did like loadsa holiday homework that we got given i cant believe i have an Art essay, a History report, a bunch of maths stuff, some french vocabulary to learn and a load of music things to pratise and my grade 5 theroy whichi m also supposed to be doing so its all quite mental
I guess i did around 4 hours of homework yesterday and i still haev tons to do!!!
ummm yeah but at the moment im waiting for the bootstock files to transfer on to the other computer so that i can sit and spend a few hours editing them as i have until 5 o'clock so that gives me three hours!!
I'm soo not gona get all 15 hours of footage or what ever edited in that time but could get a reletive chunk.
i dont even know who reads all the garbage that i write, i hope that you arent too bored of it, im using proper english and everything
well thats all i cant think of to write atm soo toodles

Oh my!!! some random song

well i just wrote this just now
umm yeah any comments very much apprectiated

Every song that you sang to me
all those words echo in my head
Every word that you ever said
did you mean anything
i didnt think so

Now everything has changed
you've got new friends
you've got a new style
Everything has changed
since ive been here a little while

Was the guy that i fell in love with
was he really you
Was the guy that i thought i trusted
was he really you
was the guy that i met that night
was he really you
or was he just invented to make me fall in love with you

i dont know what to think
who to believe
can you help me

was anything real
or was it an act
i dont know how
you make me

do i hate you or love you
my heads messed up
i cant believe you'd do that to
i think i'll go away
Away from here today
AWay from it all

since now that everything has changed
do i have go too
or do you love me still
i want it to be true

Was the guy that i fell in love with
was he really you
Was the guy that i thought i trusted
was he really you
was the guy that i met that night
was he really you
or was he just invented to make me fall in love with you

oh oh
oh yeah

Tuesday 2 October 2007

i like writing

i do like writing in this blog its quite fun
i just write whatever the hell i want and it dont really mind.... its great


of course im on holiday.....

well yeah just back from my first shift of the holiday
was alright i guess was working the floor by myslef most of the night because we're short on staff - oh well

dad came down for a bit to have his tea and totally took over but i suppose its his job.

ummmmmm yeah well it sucks a bit becasue like im here at my dads and im well up for going out and seeing everyone but i cant because their not on holiday so when im not working their at school and vise versa which SUCKS!! but the sexy emo is ill so i can go up and see him which is ace and crap all at the same time coz its ace that i get to see him and crap that he's ill.....

yeah but tomorrow im going in2 the caddy to see kirsty at lunch and what haev you which should be awesome havent had n up da street lunch in what seems like forever!!! :O
And then next WEdnesday im going to pans house then to the other caddy for a talent show which she and her mates are in that i said i'd go see, it should be ace aswell
Then on next friday i am going to stay over at pans to have a good old catch up oo and this saturday afternoon im off to Alves to see kisrty and talk to her for a whiley and catch up with her and that should mean that i've seen just about everyone AND i've managed to help dad out by working all the shifts so far im working most ever night except next wednesday and friday but then im back on saturday to work at a wedding which is a bit daunting as ive never done weddings before adn itsl ike the person "special" day and i don't want to screw it up for them but HEY im a good enough waitress to get through it!

oh my ive written quite alot this evening

i think i might just stop keeping a diary and just write it all up here its easier and all my good mateys that ive given the URL to can read it and know whats going on in my life. GREAT!! :D:D

well im gonna love you and leave you my darlings


am about to go to work

Well i'm here, at my dads and i'm supposed to be getting ready for work but hey ho it can wait, i dont take THAT long to get ready just need to change into my work people unifor which is like nearly the same as my school uniform with exception of the tie and blazer woo!!!!


um yeah nothing that exciting happened to me today, got told that i was working like ALOT, aka most evenings lol

hee hee
well if i dont go soon ill be later so


Monday 1 October 2007

while im away

OH yeah im away to my dads tomorrow
so i shall be posting regualarly to keep you up 2 date with all the amazing gossip from the excitin loft and such like lol

not that anything ever happens


mates that are ill :(

its sucks sooo bad when your mates are ill and they either can't help themsleves or wont help themsleves!!

some people its just bad luck that gets them ill, you cant help a bust apendix or a brain tumor
you cant help that and you just have to put your faith in the doctors and hope that you get better

but there are other illnesses in this world that you as a person have to fight themselves with help from their family and friends
things like eating disorders

i think the people that have them are aware deep down that what they are doing to themselves is wrong and that they should stop but their conscious mind is telling them that what they are doing to themselves and the people that are about them and s**t.

its such a a shame when a person cant see that all everyone is trying t odo is help yet they continue to push them away and lock themselves in their own little world.

i wanna say.. that anyone who is thinking that their fat even though everyone is telling them their not the likely thing is that your not!

And for that one person that i know, that i car about and think is soo gorgus it hurts. you are beautiful and you deserve a fun life. go on have mars bar you know you want to
love you


Heya just back from a weekend away in blackpool, was the shizz
spent the whole of Saturday at the pleasure beach and bought rock for ll my awesome friendys....

lol went on the pepsi max twice and only went on the second time because you know how when your waiting for the ride they have like tv screens advertising things well i saw half an ad for a movie and it looked really good so i was like give me a name please.... but it didnt and i was gone before the name bit came and i was sooo annoyed
so i lined up and went on again so i could find out what the movie was called

oh for anyone who cares


looks wel good


Thursday 27 September 2007

My next song that i dont have a title for

I'm sitting in a crowded room
my look on life is full of doom
i don't know why what or who
but i think i am in love with you

Oh baby
what is a girl to do
oh baby
when she is in love with you
oh baby
what is, what is, what is, a girl to do

You look at us as just good friends
woll this torture ever end
i'd trust you with my life you see
if only you'd just look at me

Oh baby
what is a girl to do
oh baby
when she is in love with you
oh baby
what is, what is, what is, a girl to do

You used to love me
but things have changes
just as ive come yo feel the same
is this life always tough
i think i've had just quite enough

Oh baby
what is a girl to do
oh baby
when she is in love with you
oh baby
what is, what is, what is, a girl to do

la la la "My songs amazingly by me!" la la la


we've been together for so long
and now i wonder what went wrong
you and me things were sweet
you went and knocked me off my feet

Pictures flash in mind
it was cool but now you'll find

Thatt it's over
It's all over
My love for you is gone
i haven't a clue
what why who
but it went wrong
my love for you is gone
i havent a clue what why who
but it went wrong and now your gone!

Now i'm sitting on this train
and i feel a sdden hit of pain
the tears they fall down my face
hardly leaving any trace

Pictures flash in mind
it was cool but now you'll find

Thatt it's over
It's all over
My love for you is gone
i haven't a clue
what why who
but it went wrong
my love for you is gone
i havent a clue what why who
but it went wrong and now your gone!

Later on i lie in bed
the thoughts they run right through my head
now everything is said and done
i think i'll go and have some fun

Pictures flash in mind
it was cool but now you'll find

Thatt it's over
It's all over
My love for you is gone
i haven't a clue
what why who
but it went wrong
my love for you is gone
i havent a clue what why who
but it went wrong and now your gone!

this is just for amelia... lol

hey hey hey my hun

thought id write a blog just for you as you soo desperatly want me to write something.
umm im gonna put like my lyrics and what ever up on this blog so you can put it to music if you feel that way inclined..... (im not hinting it just a suggestion)

oh and yeah if you have any changes or whatever taht you can think of to make t better i would love to know what they are.. just comment or whatever you do on this site...

look what you've done amelia you've made me start to do the dots thing that you do....
see there i go again....

love you loads

you'd never guess

you'll never quite guess but i'm just on blogger now and im wwriting a blog lol!!

um yeah well dont really have much to say today

except that today in english we play the best game ever invented to primary school kids (yeah im 3rd year but who cares!!)

anyway yeah we played *drum roll if you please*
soooo chuffed! didnt get picked ever but hey ho ill live.....

hee hee