Monday 26 December 2011

Christmas 2011

Hiya pals!!

So I've been in pantoland for the last month or so, and havent really done anything out with the people that are involved in that, so not really much news. 
I had another iffy moment a couple of weeks ago on the show when I was doing everything wrong and was feeling like i'd made the wrong decision and I shouldn't be a Stage Manager, but I got a massive pep talk from Sean and Kay (my DSM) and I kinda feel better now, still dont know if im cut out for it, but we shall see :)

So it's Christmas, doesnt really feel like it, I kinda feel like a grown up now, cause I got in from work on Xmas Eve, had some drinks with my parents then went to bed, had no trouble sleeping, got pissed off when i was woken up (at  10am!) to open presents, wasnt that excited about anything that was going on really, had a nap in the afternoon and now im in bed, totally dreading the fact that I have to go to work again tomorrow....
but hey, tis money and its an amazing job that I know quite a number of people would kill for so I cant really complain.

Today also made me think of last year and how absolutely everything was completely different. I was still with Jamie, we had a really quiet christmas, I went to his parents and had a really nice day, regardless of the fact I was stupidly ill and me and jamie were pretty much falling apart, but everything was lovely. I didnt want panto to end, and all in all I would say that I was pretty happy. And Im not saying Im not happy this year but its just a very different experience,

I know it sounds really stupid and I know I shouldnt let Lads define me but I do miss having a boyfriend, having someone who takes an interest in your day and you can text all the time and you never run out of things to say to each other and will randomly do things to make you smile, and just the amount of attention you get from that one person, like you are the most important thing to them.

Todays blog wasnt supposed to be depressing and shit, its CHRISTMAS for christsake, Alex Day got number 4 in the charts, I had my family round, I got completely spoilt with presents, and generally I had a lovely day, and I really hope that you guys had a nice day as well.

And I guess all I have left to say now is..
Happy Christmas and Merry New Year <3 

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