Saturday 31 January 2009

31st Janurary 2009

Well i'm sure your all dying to know the inside scoop on what has been going on with me and stu this last week.. so i thought i would use this quiet moment to let you in on the secret. The words you read should not be spoken of, to me or to anyone else... apart from each other if you feel like anlaysing... what am i saying... your gonna talk to me about it anyway... :L

But yes.. Master Roger and our fucked up relationship.
As you know we've got pretty close lately and then on sunday he kinda told me that he still felt attracted to me. Its messed up and then we were totally flirting and stuff and we were on msn and we got into, not a fight exactly, more of a i got upset type of thing. but yeah hence why i was upset on Thursday, i felt bad for letting us get too close but i didnt want to talk to stu because i knew that i wasnt going to like what he was going to say and then that just made it worse.. but yeah and then he told me i was being silly and we can just be us, not complicated at all ... and then i made (what i felt was) the valid point of we are never going to be simple.. but yeah. so thats the deal. you may now conferr and get back to me on how much of a bad person i am for pretty mcuh encouraging a guy to cheat on his girlfriend etc and yeah.

Love M

Sunday 25 January 2009

its been a while... .

Well i know its been a while, but i was christmas and new year and then ski trip and all and then i got back to school and i've been so busy its unreal. But yeah. Quite a bit has happened.. but tbh im too tired and i cant really be bothered to reel off all the stuff that happened so that no one can read it.

Main things..
People don't appreciate the truth. i get that now. and so i shall stop telling people what i think becuase if its going to hurt them then there really is no point.

School is fucking stressful man! why does everyhting have to be done and learnt all at the same time. its totally unreasonable... and ive decided that anyone who can coast their standard grades is obviously a fecking genius... becuase there is no way i am going to get the results i want/need without putting in so much hard work but hey thats life i suppose.

but yeah i cant be bothered to write anymore..
but one last thing.
Burger i love you. you are so special to me. and no more nasty thoughts about me not loving you as much as i should.


Saturday 10 January 2009


Well i'm back.
France was amazing..
I met some wonderful people to start the new year off to, which was awesome!
i shall name as many as i can.

Alex (little legs) - Cute as likes, he was working as a waiter at the hotel we were staying at (ok everyone but one is someone who works at the hotel) and he was dead lovely! he sang with me at the karaoke! :)

Jayde- lovelyful barmaid.. just sat and chatted to her quite a bit, lovely lovely person.. and reminded me alot of flo :L

Duncan - the other bar guy... man does this guy make a nice cocktail ;) and hes not too bad looking either, hes from newtonmore and an actual babe! you can sit and talk to him for aggers and it doesnt seem like that long :L

Adam - the ski tech. really nice.. he was ill though :(

Jack - a guy from the "other" school he was the only one that seemed to be like us, the rest were a bit posh for me tbh

thats the people i dont think ill forget but there was also Jo, Eugean, Rachel and Hans.. they are all ace and all made my ski trip so wonderfully awesome! +D



Sunday 4 January 2009

To my dearest Kierann cuzzy ;)

Heya babe...

Tis your birthday today ain't it :L

well this is the beginning of the 2 months and 13 days where we're the same age.... make the most of it ;)

I just want to say Thank you. For making my christmas holidays so much fun, you were there for silly times and serious times and it means a lot. it really really does :)

I know that we say were family, but i have to say your a friend before your family.

What i said before, i meant it. She's a lucky girl. and i somehow don't think she realises quite how lucky she is.

You may live what feels like a milllion miles away but your always close lovely :)
True friendship is when two friends can walk in opposite directions, yet remain side by side

"Of all the door’s I have gone through in life, none was more inviting, welcoming and heartfilled than the one that led me to you..... shame i hit my head on the way up though....."

Means a lot that your in my life these days and i plan to make you stay for quite a while my dearest...

But yes... i hope you have a very happy birthday and don't do anything that i wouldn't do.... :/ ok scratch that... do whatever the hell you like becuase tbh you'd do it anyway :P

Love you lots and lots babe...


p.s Millie is cooler than Kieran! - FACT!!!!


Saturday 3 January 2009

Friday 2 January 2009

Ski Trip 09

so you can look at it burger :) x


Thursday 1 January 2009


i hate it when people are angry with me... esp when its not my fault..
and i hate it when people take the piss, when its obv they've gone to far.


ski trip tomorrow. ... yay
