Sunday 4 September 2011


Well I'm in Bristol just now with Adam and I dunno, Its fun and stuff, it's just a little bit awkward, We don't really have that much to talk about unless were talking about work-type stuff. But hey ho, its only until tomorrow and then I get to go home :)

Since I last wrote a blog me and Jamie had a massive argument and now we don't speak at all and he is now going out with Gamu. Its a little awkward when we see each other but I just try and avoid him.

There is this other guy that im kind of seeing at the moment.  He is name is Gary and he's a total sweetheart, He claims to be a total badass but its all lies :P He's really not up for a relationship until he properly knows me, which I think is a good idea.. apparently after 3 months were allowed to be seeing each other and then after 6 he'll consider a relationship... I somehow feel that if a relationship is going to happen it'll be by Christmas or around then anyway.... but we shall wait and see, you never know. Haha

Ah well thats my romantic catch up.. on a future point of view, I really have no idea, I didnt get into Uni so Im going to re apply next year and see what happens, in the mean time im just working, doing panto again this year and then maybe going travelling, but you never know.

Anyhoo Byyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeeeeee :D