Thursday 23 September 2010

Imma back

Hey Hey
Yeah It's been forever, but in my defence I did kinda leave school, go to NYC, France and been working and started college and generally been using the internet on my ipod and it wont let me use blogger on it :(

Anyway, the general rundown of just now.
Im studying Music Business HND, it's really good and I've met a bunch of people that are really nice and all interested in similar things to me which I always love. Plus there is a pool table in the union and loads of new people to play :D

Work is awesome right now, This summer our group of friends got really close which was amazing, however half of them are off to University in the next couple of days and there will only be 4 of us left :( Ive had an awful lot of fun this summer and cant wait til everyone comes back at christmas :D

Jamie is still Jamie :D We had our one year anniversary at the end of August which was awesome. Not so much the day, becuase i just went to Jamies and then went to sleep, cause he had kungfu and i got bored waiting so read my book and fell asleep and promptly spent the rest of the evening asleep, i had fun though.

This week I have Julie (my french exchange partner) over from France and it's loads of fun, even though im at college she's still here which is nice :D Tomorrow we're going to Edinburgh which is going to be such a laugh cause all the host partners are going too :D

That's pretty much everything tbh